Meet the Maker: Ellie Martin

Ellie Martin is a Textile Artist, Student and Activist with the aim of transforming the fashion and textile industry. In her personal work, she uses post-consumer waste and is always finding ways of weaving, knitting or stitching to bring a new lease of life into discarded materials. Ellie is also founder of Textile Rebellion, a collective of textile creatives and activists. The group aims to inspire people to embrace new ways of interacting with textiles, such as up-cycling, repairing, charity shopping and clothes swapping.

Find out about Textile Rebellion on Instagram and Facebook.

Bel Jacobs

Bel Jacobs is founder and editor of the Empathy Project. A former fashion editor, she is now a speaker and writer on climate justice, animal rights and alternative roles for fashion and culture. She is also co-founder of the Islington Climate Centre.


Display Copy by Brynn Heminway


Pay Up Fashion